It’s that time of year again. The sun is beating down on you whenever you go outside. You can fry an egg on the sidewalk. Summer is here.

- You kept your sheets in the freezer before bedtime, and you loved it.
- Having ice cream for dinner was not only acceptable but encouraged. Heck, ice cream for breakfast and dinner were just fine too. However, you’ve also experienced the tragedy of your Ice cream turning to the soup before you even got to eat it.
- You were totally fine with taking ice cold showers to momentarily cool off. Unfortunately, the moment you stepped out of your refreshing shower, the sweating started once more.
- You’ve had every fan in the house pointed at you, and you got used to the sound of them blaring away a few feet from your face.
- You learned that in dire circumstances, a kiddie pool was not just for kids. Neither was running through the sprinkler.
- At nighttime, you opened up all the windows to try to get some air circulation, then tossed and turned most of the night because it was still muggy. In the morning you closed all the windows to try and preserve what little cool air was left. That cycle would continue again and again.
- If you met people who actually had air conditioning, they instantly became your best friends and you wanted to do everything with them – or at least, hang out at their homes at all times.
- You kept the blinds closed to keep the sun out, and you got used to doing everything in the dark.
- You were accustomed to spending hours at the movie theater, the frozen section in the grocery store, the mall, the bank and pretty much anywhere else with air conditioning.
While ice cream for dinner sounds great, spending the summer months without air conditioning can sure be rough! Do you still find yourself doing any of the above? You don’t have to spend the whole day in your grocery store’s freezer aisle or hang out in a kiddie pool just to cool off.
Maybe it’s time for a new air conditioner system. At SMO Energy, our NATE-certified technicians can give your home a free energy consultation, install the right AC system for your needs and perform any maintenance or repairs that it needs. You and your family will be able to enjoy the warm weather in the comfort of your cool home.