We love hearing from you. Your stories inspire us and others!
Thousands of Maryland residents choose SMO Energy to keep their homes comfortable all year long. We pride ourselves on delivering top-quality products and providing great service. Learn how others have improved their homes and lives with SMO Energy by checking our site as new videos come in, or by reading the great reviews our customers have shared with us!
We want to hear from you!
Send us a video telling us what you love about SMO Energy! If you are one of the first 25 customers to submit a video, we’ll give you a $10 credit on your SMO account!
If your video is selected to use on our website, we’ll give you a $50 credit on your SMO account!
How To Submit Your Video
Submitting your video is simple. Record a video of yourself using your phone or camera answering one of these questions:
Why did you switch to SMO Energy for your heating and cooling needs?
Tell us about a great experience you had with one of our employees
How did SMO help you solve a problem with your home or business?
Then share your video with us using one of these methods:
Text your video to us at 301-672-2749 Please include your name and/or account number when sending the video
Must be an SMO Energy customer to receive the credit on your account. All videos must be submitted through the SMO Energy private Facebook Messenger or texted to the phone number above by February 18, 2023 to be eligible for the account credit. $10 credit is for the first 25 videos submitted only. Videos selected by SMO representatives for use on the SMOenergy.com website will receive a $50 credit on their SMO Energy account. Clients will be notified if their video was selected. Selected videos will be uploaded to YouTube to be embedded on SMOenergy.com. Video can be selected up to one year after submission. See SMO representative for complete details.