How Is Automatic Fuel Delivery Different From Scheduled Delivery and Will-Call Delivery?
Automatic fuel delivery is different from scheduled delivery and will-call delivery in a few ways. If you decide to use will-call service, you take on the responsibility of monitoring your fuel tank and usage. It is up to you to take action and call for a new delivery when the available fuel in the tank gets low. With will-call, you only get fuel when you know you need it, but the responsibility is on you to make sure you don’t run out of fuel.
In the case of scheduled fuel delivery, you receive deliveries of heating oil or propane based on a pre-determined schedule. Whether you actually need more fuel or not, the delivery will arrive based on the calendar. A benefit of scheduled delivery is that you can set it and forget it. The fuel will come without you having to call anyone.
Automatic fuel delivery is, in many ways, the best of all possible options. Someone else, such as SMO Energy, takes on the responsibility of monitoring your fuel tanks. We will send a new delivery of fuel out to your home when the level in your tank reaches a certain point. Your fuel levels will not drop low enough to be a problem, nor will you get a delivery when you do not need any fuel.